Sunday, September 28, 2008

Erie Times-New editor is pot calling TV kettle Black on slease campaign advertising

In his Sunday column, entitled "Truth becomes casualty
when politics mimics war," Erie Times-New Managing Editor
Pat Howard, commenting on presidential campaign TV advertising,
said among other things, that "fact-checking operations" tell
us attack ads "are spewing gross distortions and flat-out
lies more often than in the past."

Those who subscribe to these tactics, Howard wrote,"know that
while some voters are students of issues, positions and
evidence, many others, by inclination or aptitude, get
their information only in bits and pieces, and it tends to go
in one ear and straight to the gut.Such people are especially
prone to being frightened, manipulated and bamboozled."

This is the pot calling the kettle black.
The Erie Times-News's local and syndicated Op-Ed columns,
like the left wing national mainstream media (The New York
Times, The Washington Post, The Buffalo News, The Pittsburgh
Post Gazette, the L A Times, et al) all whose news and
editorial coverage is heavily slanted in favor of Obama/Biden
and against McCain/Palin, play the same role within the print
media that the false advertising Howard hollowly deplores exercises
within the electronic media.

What the "fact checkers" - in whom Howard seems to place so much
faith - need, including the Times-News, is someone to check their
facts. More errors and bias are typically asserted in the name of
fact-checking than are committed in the original fact scenario.

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