Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gwen Ifel's blatant conflict of interest

Governor Palin clearly won Thursday night's vice presidential
debate despite the blatant pro-Obama/Biden bias of Moderator
Gwen Ifel, who chose and posed questions she knew would play
to Biden's strengths and Palin's weaknesses.

Formerly with the left-wing New York Times, now with the
ultra left-wing PBS News Hour, Ifel brazenly allowed Biden
to rebut Palin time after time, while cutting off Palin's
attempts to rebut Biden.

Because of her glaring conflict of interest, Ifel should
have been yanked as moderator. Her pro-Obama book,
scheduled to be released on presidential inauguration
day in January, will tank if Obama/Biden lose the election.
If Obama loses, she sells a couple thousand copies; if he wins,
she sells half a million copies.

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