Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gwen Ifill's 'prostitutional journalism'

In his Times-News syndicated column today, David Broder raved about
psuedo-journalist Gwen Ifill's book, "The Break-Through: Politics
and Race in the Age of Obama," just released last month.

For those of us without Broder's ingrained bias, Gwen Ifill lost all
credibility as a journalist when she agreed to moderate the vice
presidential debate last Fall between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin without
revealing that she had already written this wildly pro-Obama book
scheduled to be released on presidential inauguration day in January
of this year, then refusing to step down once her blatant conflict of
interest was revealed.

Despite Ifill's pronounced pro-Obama/Biden bias as moderator, betrayed
by her obvious choice of questions designed to play to Biden's strengths
and Palin's weaknesses, Palin clearly "won" the vice presidential "debate,"
riddled with Biden's glaring factual errors.

Formerly with the left-wing New York Times, now with the ultra liberal
PBS News Hour, Ifill brazenly allowed Biden to rebut Palin time after time,
while cutting off Palin's attempts to rebut Biden.

Because of the obvious conflict of interest inherent in the belated disclosure
of her book, and her failure to step down as moderator once it was belatedly revealed, Ifill should have been yanked as moderator.

Had Obama/Biden lost the election, Ifill's book would have tanked. But with
their election, and the slavish praise by fellow ideologues like Broder,it's on track to sell tens of thousands of copies, enabling Ifill to profit from her prostitutional journalism.

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