Monday, May 4, 2009

Rep. Hornaman took $700 Erie Yacht Club membership

State Rep. John Hornaman of Erie County was one of about 60 Pennsylvania lawmakers who accepted a total of $60,000 in travel, meals and other freebies last year, according to mandatory statements of financial interest newly filed with the State Ethics Commission, the Associate Press has reported.

According to the AP story filed today, Rep. Hornaman,a Democrat, collected a membership in the Erie Yacht club worth more than $700. He has attended tourism and fishing events at the club, and had dinner with his wife at its restaurant.
"When they offered it to me, quite frankly" Hornaman told the AP,the cost factor didn't enter into my mind" It didn't even come to me, I thought it was a nice gesture."

According to the AP, About three dozen of the 253 state representatives and senators disclosed gifts or free "transportation, lodging, hospitality" in the reports that were due in Harrisburg on Friday.

They let others pay for their football and baseball tickets; golf fees; travel to Japan, Australia, Turkey and Switzerland; and legislative or political conferences at various locations within the United States. They also accepted donations for senior expos and similar events worth an additional $15,000.

1 comment:

Dan Galena said...

My take on this story was that the Erie Times-News portrayed Hornaman as an ethical state rep because he had reported the "gift". Let me remind readers that Hornaman had been a PA Clean Sweep candidate who ran on a platform of limited government; of not taking influence from special interests. It didn't take Hornaman long to abandon those principals. Rather than Hornaman "reporting" the membership perhaps he should have declined the membership. Influence peddling takes many forms....and the Yacht Club membership is just one example. Once again, the region appears to have a politician who abandons serving the public and appears to be actively pursuing self-service.